a woman stood in front of a tapestry

Fun Day finds families for children across the region

On Saturday (26th February) children from across the North-West, who are waiting to be adopted, and prospective adopters came together for a day of fun and finding families.

35 children and 46 sets of adopters were invited to the Disney-themed fun day and given the chance to dress up and enjoy activities such as crafts, soft play, racing cars, and even alpaca walking.

The fun day was enjoyed by all with a highlight of the day being a live magic show from local entertainer Tricky Micky.

The 35 children, some of which have additional needs, are slightly older or are part of sibling groups, are amongst some of those who have waited the longest to be adopted.

The aim of the day was to give adopters the opportunity to make connections with the children in a real-life, face to face, fun and safe way so they can form bonds and memories with their potential future families.

Nugent Adoption’s Manager, Jo Lloyd said: “This fun day has been really special and it’s been great to work with our partner agencies to help achieve the very best outcomes for our children and adopters. We know that these events are really successful in giving families the opportunity to spend real, quality time with children, even sometimes with children who they may not have considered previously with more traditional family finding methods; but by giving them the chance to get to know them and play with them, a magical connection can be formed. We really hope that we’ve made some forever families here that will give our children the love, security and nurture they need to grow and develop into the best little people they can be.”

The ground-breaking, collaborative event was the first of its kind with agencies from the ‘North-West Adoption Agencies Together’ consortium joining forces to host a fantastic day and most importantly find strong and lasting matches for children and adopters from across the region.

The event was funded by the Department for Education. Children and Families Minister, Will Quince, said: “Seeing Regional Adoption Agencies and their partners come together to energise the adoption system and seek opportunities to match children and their prospective families is exactly what our National Adoption Strategy is all about.

I’m pleased to see children in the North-West benefitting from these fun and creative tactics, and I encourage RAAs across the country to consider similar events.”

The success of the event will be determined in the coming months when links are officially approved but it is hoped many of the connections made on the day will become happy and safe forever families.

Adoption agencies in the region are still looking for more families to come forward and consider adoption so if you live in the North-West and would like to find out more please contact Nugent Adoption Team by phone on 01744 613041 or by email at adoption@wearenugent.org .

Picture above is our wonderful student social worker.

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Nugent Adoption is a registered and approved Voluntary Adoption Agency located in the North West of England. Nugent became a Registered Adoption Agency in 1943; therefore we have been involved in placing children for adoption for 80 years.

We provide a welcoming team of professional and dedicated social work staff who are experienced in all areas of adoption. Our aim is to increase the opportunities for children who have experienced a difficult start, to enjoy a positive, safe and secure family life.

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